Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Knowledge is Power

What can I say, life has changed! So much has happened, from hosting two or more trips to committing to stay on into the fall. Kenya is good. The Mara is good.

But drought is apparent.

As I’m sure many of you know Northern Kenya and Somalia are experiencing the worst drought in 60 years. 300, 000 people are in the refugee camp, Dadaab, northern Kenya, probably even more now, in a camp that is meant for 70,000. Last time I checked World Food Program wasn’t able to provide food for all the people that the camp was holding. At least 3000 people are dying daily from malnutrition.

I recently had the pleasure to meet actress, and human rights activist Mia Farrow. She speaks freely about the real problems plaguing Dadaab and other African regions. She is a great resource to follow
www.miafarrow.org , she paints a picture of despair but gives YOU an opportunity to help. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I urge all of you to get informed, watch the news read the papers.

Free the Children has been doing its part. Although we are development organization, it is obvious that we can’t turn a blind eye to the struggles in the Horn of Africa. One of our mobilizers, Justice, spent 2 weeks in Dadaab recently. He was able to place 15 metric tonnes of food and non-food items to new refugees arriving at the camp. The only reason FTC was able to do this was because of the help from overseas donors and fundraisers.

Please check out
http://www.metowe.com/shop/products/rafiki-friend-of-east-africa and support our efforts in Dadaab.

Drastic times call for drastic measures. I once again urge you to spread the word. Hope lies in the efforts of us all. I just recently received an e-mail from members of a school that I hosted in May. The students and teachers that were on the trip are currently in the midst of educating others as well as conducting enormous fundraising efforts. I shout out to these students and teachers from the bottom of my heart. Let us all be the hearts of compassion like they are. Knowledge is power.

This is a sign that is present at one of Free the Children's primary school's called Pimbinet

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