Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Celebration

A Celebration. 

We are often so caught up in what we do on a daily basis that we forget to take a minute to say Thank you, to tell someone that we appreciate them, to give someone the praise that they deserve for a job well done, or to extend a hand shake of gratitude for what they have given up to complete the task at hand. Today we celebrate and we say Thank you.  

On this particular day, I count my blessings, but this day is not about me. Surrounded by 200 women, and close to 100 husbands, sons, and brothers. We are celebrating the success and hard work of the women that are working with Artisans. The women that work all night to fulfill orders for people’s weddings, the women that get up even earlier than usual to prepare breakfast for their family and do other household chores so they can come work with us for the day. I am humbled to be standing next to these women, as a friend and colleague. 

Through all our work together and on days where we are gathered like this I have trouble putting into words the gratitude that I have for the sacrifices that have been made by these women. Mothers, daughters, granddaughters, and sisters sit together in solidarity. The energy pulses through them. We gather because they are strong women, women who we appreciate and respect. We sit together, we cook together, we take chai together, we dance together, we hold hands together, we celebrate together. I am honored to be part of the celebration. The celebration that is not enough for the accomplishments from the past year. 

In a reflective nature, I say Thank you to all the women that make sacrifices for their children. Your children will one day understand some, only some, of what you have done, but know that your daughters are who they are because of you. Thank you for all the women that stand up because they believe in a cause, even when odds aren’t in your favor. Your words will echo in the ears of your daughters when they too need to stand up for something they believe in. Women of Oleshebor, I have no words to express how I feel about you, I will just continue to say Thank you, Asante Sana, Ashe Oling. 

And finally.. thank you.. to my mother.. I am thinking about you today

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