Another year in Kenya has come and gone. Too many amazing things have happened to recount. During the holiday season I have had a chance reflect on all the incredible people that I have in my life and have met along my journey. I am overwhelmed with the energy that those around me bring.
A wise man once told me that the waves in the ocean are made up of pure energy. Sometimes that energy is too much for us, and it literally rocks our bodies. Sometimes that energy is just right and we catch the perfect wave. Sometimes the energy isn’t quite enough and no matter how hard we try we just can’t catch it. As we move forward our ability to tolerate more energy... grows.
Playa Encuentro, Caberete, Peurto Plata
This past year, the waves have been perfect, and I just can’t wait for the next. Cheers to the laughs and fun that the new year brings and to all my friends near and far. I would be lost without all of you.