St. Peters was an amazing group. They were engaged, excited and passionate about Kenya. They were overall 22 students and 7 teachers. All the teachers were supportive and great role models for the students and myself. Stationed at Old pimbinet just behind the Kisaruni girls high school was a prime location for all activities (WE DIDN”T GET STUCK !!). Every activity was a success, from mama walk to safari, nothing could have gone more smoothly.

A highlight on the trip was Olympic day. We were at Motony primary school with 714 kids. They were split up into 11 groups and all given a different color headband. St. Peter’s students each took a group and they made a cheer. It was incredible to see all these kids from baby class to grade 8 participating in each activity fully. As I looked across the field all I could do was smile. The day was a complete success!
Saying goodbye to St. Peters was sad but also happy because I know these students will make change when they get home! So here’s a shout out to the amazing students and teachers of St. Peters, a truly inspiring group.
Its official I love my job!
P.S Everything is Bigger in kenya