Saturday, October 29, 2011
Meet Jane
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Bogani is a place where we host adult groups. A place that is more comfortable that allows families to reflect on the day by a fire. It is an experience that encompasses all the makings of a magical vacation but will put you to work during the day. It has been a real pleasure to host the groups I have this fall, and I’m sure the pleasure will continue.
Between this, painting has helped me pass my time. Finally being able to breakdown the inspiration I have gathered throughout the past 9 months is refreshing. Finally being able to paint at all has been a breakthrough.
I can only imagine the next few months will pass by quickly with too many memorable moments. I look forward to getting back to the snow but I can only imagine it will be short lived. Nonetheless Canada here I come, can’t wait to see you old friends and new!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Knowledge is Power
But drought is apparent.
As I’m sure many of you know Northern Kenya and Somalia are experiencing the worst drought in 60 years. 300, 000 people are in the refugee camp, Dadaab, northern Kenya, probably even more now, in a camp that is meant for 70,000. Last time I checked World Food Program wasn’t able to provide food for all the people that the camp was holding. At least 3000 people are dying daily from malnutrition.
I recently had the pleasure to meet actress, and human rights activist Mia Farrow. She speaks freely about the real problems plaguing Dadaab and other African regions. She is a great resource to follow , she paints a picture of despair but gives YOU an opportunity to help. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I urge all of you to get informed, watch the news read the papers.
Free the Children has been doing its part. Although we are development organization, it is obvious that we can’t turn a blind eye to the struggles in the Horn of Africa. One of our mobilizers, Justice, spent 2 weeks in Dadaab recently. He was able to place 15 metric tonnes of food and non-food items to new refugees arriving at the camp. The only reason FTC was able to do this was because of the help from overseas donors and fundraisers.
Please check out and support our efforts in Dadaab.
Drastic times call for drastic measures. I once again urge you to spread the word. Hope lies in the efforts of us all. I just recently received an e-mail from members of a school that I hosted in May. The students and teachers that were on the trip are currently in the midst of educating others as well as conducting enormous fundraising efforts. I shout out to these students and teachers from the bottom of my heart. Let us all be the hearts of compassion like they are. Knowledge is power.
This is a sign that is present at one of Free the Children's primary school's called Pimbinet
Friday, July 1, 2011
Paddye greeted me at the airport, first time we had seen each other in a year. Paddye and I not only were roommates throughout university, but played ball together since we were 13. It was extremely nice to see a familiar face after such a long time in Kenya. She was a piece of home.
We spent the first day on the beach, eating banana chips and drinking local beer, followed by a Creole meal cooked by her new man Hendrik.

The rest of the days were mostly spent lounging on the beach catching up, getting to know Paddye’s life and friends. Overall Seychelles is a dream, beaches that go on for miles; water the color of aqua, and people that are way too relaxed. If you are a beach bum or a diver these are the islands for you.

Sunday, May 29, 2011
That's what she said
St. Peters was an amazing group. They were engaged, excited and passionate about Kenya. They were overall 22 students and 7 teachers. All the teachers were supportive and great role models for the students and myself. Stationed at Old pimbinet just behind the Kisaruni girls high school was a prime location for all activities (WE DIDN”T GET STUCK !!). Every activity was a success, from mama walk to safari, nothing could have gone more smoothly.

A highlight on the trip was Olympic day. We were at Motony primary school with 714 kids. They were split up into 11 groups and all given a different color headband. St. Peter’s students each took a group and they made a cheer. It was incredible to see all these kids from baby class to grade 8 participating in each activity fully. As I looked across the field all I could do was smile. The day was a complete success!
Saying goodbye to St. Peters was sad but also happy because I know these students will make change when they get home! So here’s a shout out to the amazing students and teachers of St. Peters, a truly inspiring group.
Its official I love my job!
P.S Everything is Bigger in kenya

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Mt Longonot was a great adventure, and the first mountain that I ever climbed. However it was a success, Brandon and I climbed the 2, 776m elevation. It is a dormant volcano located southeast of Lake Naivasha in the Great Rift Valley. It was a challenging climb, but satisfying and well worth the view.

SA.. return..
Back in South Africa was something I had never dreamed would ever happen. But it did, and I found myself in Durban city centre. My first stop was on the beach, diving was a priority as well as strolling down the boardwalk beside the ocean. A visit to Victoria street market, a local Indian market was educational but somehow it seems that every market is almost the same. I enjoyed some beers and finally a drum circle at a local joint called Cool Runnings on my last night at Tekweni, a city centre backpackers. From here I hitched a ride to Umkomass a town near the famous dive sites of the Aliwal Shoal. Top 10 dive spot in the world. Due to bad weather and a fishing boat flipping the launch pad was closed. I continued to coffee bay, where the real magic happened.
Coffee bay is a small area situated south of Durban about 7-8 hrs from the city. Here lies a coast line that is easily hiked, and a surf that is to die for. The Zulu culture is prevalent here and the people are all relaxed. No worries, beach life, and smiles all around. I fell in love with the people. Unfortunately my journey had to come to an end, and I took the long ride back to the city of Durban. I couldn’t help but be sad when thinking of how long it would be before I would return to Coffee Bay. Good people and good times.

Now I’m back in Nairobi, soon to be on a trip in the Mara again.
Monday, March 28, 2011

"My co-facilitator and Felix"
After spending almost a week there I realized how different these people were from those back home. The main difference is a smile. I wonder how many people I pass on the streets in Canada and don’t smile or say hi to? At Oloosiyoi and the majority of FTC’s community’s this is not the case. Smiling is contagious here.Soon it was Safari day, and the rains had come. The roads were muddy and the vehicles were struggling. We finally made it into the conservancy, saw a Cheetah lounging and here we remained for 10 hrs. Our Lorry was stuck in the mud, really stuck. The back-ups tried to come and they got stuck. Our final rescue was out of the movie which involved lights coming in from all angles of the four landcruisers, and our lorry simultaneously being pulled out by the long awaited tractor. It was a day that I will never forget, a true safari adventure.
The rest of the trip involved mud, rain and positive attitudes. We made it through the grit and finished on a high note. With the help of the amazing staff, this includes Stanley and our Maasai guide Felix. Big shout outs! You are good men.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Lil Rascals..

The last week in Nairobi has been a great break but there is no rest for the wicked.
After some fun and games its back to work, my trip comes in tonight and we head to the Mara tomorrow. My fly in facilitator arrived last night and he is awesome. We are going to make a great team. Everybody keep your fingers crossed from me as I embark on my first lead trip. See ya when I see ya.
P.s Later Dread head!

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Aqua colored water, white sand beaches and palm trees that stretch across the blue sky in Toriana, Kilifi, a Me to We property where we just spend the last 5 days. Kilifi is off the Indian Ocean about an hour and a half from Mombasa a coastal town in Kenya.

We were lucky enough to have great weather and activities every day that really allowed all of us to spend quality time with each other. Beach football to swimming in the ocean and beautiful pool it was a much needed break after a month in the Maasai Mara.

A few highlights include the Gede ruins and snorkeling. The Gede Ruins are the remains of a Swahili town from the 13th or 14th to the 17th century. The town consists of a mosque and several stone houses, excavations revealed the town in 1948 and 1949. The ruins were incredible with wells that dropped down hundreds of feet and a smaller filtration system built into the structures walls were breathtaking.

Sadly the break had to end and we flew back to Nairobi to answer e-mails and prep for the chaos of March trips.
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Chameleon
Today the Artbounders left after we dropped them at the Fairmont Mara Safari Club. My first Bogani trip is over. With a fast turnaround the next group already here, I will be joining them tonight at dinner and commencing what a trip that is more typical of that I will be doing for my duration with Me to We.
After the drop off, Julia (another facilitator) and I had the rest of the day to relax. Among laundry, clean up, and rest we stumbled upon a chameleon. About 10cm long, this guy was trying to cross some of the house keeper ladies’ and gentleman’s paths. As soon as we pointed it out to them, they jumped and screamed throwing some small rags on the lizard and grabbing our arms. They insisted that I document the moment and instructed me to get my camera. Inching closer we were successful in the photographic capture.
Followed by many large and loud days, sometimes the small things are worth noting.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
First Bogani Trip
Along with Artbound our celeb guest has truly been a treat. Her crew was amazing and alongside the Kisaruni girls and the Kenyan Boys choir we all had one of the most outrageous days full of song and dance. The collaboration between our guest singer, the girls and the Kenyan boys choir was unbelievable. The day began with a performance from the Kenyan boys choir, who have the voices of angels. Soon the rain came and we moved inside where our celeb singer belted out her songs and so did the boys choir. Soon after the Kisaruni girls were put to the test and sang and danced their hearts out. As the shy girls sang their voices started small, but as they continued their voices grew louder and louder, with encouragement from everybody in the room. Most of us sat in awe of the singers before us with GIANT smiles on our faces and before I knew it tears of joy were rolling down my cheeks.
What happened next was something I will never forget; together our guest singer and the boys choir joined forces. Then the Kisaruni girls were up singing, and before I could blink an eye we all were. Singing and dancing with smiles that stretched for miles and weeping tears streaming down.
To be honest I could live in that moment forever, words are hardly enough to describe the energy and pure happiness in the room. I only hope that you can picture an inkling of what the day was like. I can’t remember the last time that I felt that happy.

Painting with Mary, a student of Kisaruni
A lil update.
Job low down
I got hired as a Kenya Trips Facilitator for a company called Me to We. Me to We is a sister company of Free the Children an NGO. Me to We offers more socially responsible choices for youth and helps raise global awareness inner city and internationally. Me to We allows Free the Children to have the lowest administrative cost possible and use 91 cents of the dollar to give directly to our projects. These projects in Kenya include, school building, water kiosks & bore holes, alternate income projects, and health education. Free the Children is the largest NGO of children helping children, and is dedicated to empowering youth to have a voice. My job is to facilitate youth groups and adult groups that come to Kenya and give them an understanding of what FTC and Me to We is dedicated to doing, in terms of our Adopt A Village program. They will also have the opportunity to help build primary schools in the communities and engage in cultural activities.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Abit about Nairobi.. and Kisaruni

Reporting day..
As mentioned previously we attended the opening of the Kisaruni girls secondary school on the staff trip where we were greeting by over 800 people welcoming us. This day was a bit different. As we left the centre to get to the school the buzz of first day excitement filled the air. Today the girls reported to school where they would reside and learn for the next three months. We arrived at about 9:30am. and a few girls had already been admitted, they were so excited that they were waiting at the gate when Kisaruni opened in the morning. As the day moved along many girls arrived with parents and friends from schools spread out over more than three communities. All of them traveled far and long to get to Kisaruni and they were not disappointed when they finally got here. Overall there were 42 girls accepted to the school, many secondary schools have a tuition charge, Kisaruni does not. We are hoping to have all the girls sponsored, to support them through their education. The girls parents/guardian’s support them in a different way by helping through projects that coincide with the school’s core values, worth more than a monetary value.

As the girls arrived our role was to make girls and their families feel at ease and at home. We escorted the girls and their parents to their dorm after a luggage check and showed them their beds and personal bathroom facilities.
This was my favorite part of the day. The expression on the girls faces when they saw their own bed and the quality of the showers that they would beable to use will stick with me forever. The joy and excitement of the girls on their first day of school keep me smiling the entire day. Keeping in mind that these girls all come from varying home environments where they may share a bed or space with many siblings or even have a bucket bath. The dorm for many was a dream come true.
Overall the day was great and the quality of the girls that were accepted and will now be attending Kisaruni is humbling. I wish them the best of luck and look forward to getting to know each of them as we visit the school throughout the season.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Mara at night..
Among some amazing day activities there were some unbelievable night festivities. Serenaded by the Kenyan Boys Choir, who took my breath away, they sang traditional songs and even Christmas songs that made us all think of home. Brought tears to most of our eyes, including mine. The Kenyan Boys choir can also be recognized by their incorporation into Obama’s inauguration. Seeing them in the now was beautiful. They were a great kick off to a New Years party that most will never forget; full of Tusker’s and boxed wine.
Another night time activity that was memorable was Oh Africa, a drumming group that sang, drummed of course, danced and threw in alittle bit of acrobatics. Great beats that got the entire group up and dancing.
We hit a record of dancing every night so far.
Finally our last night and one that I will never forget in the Mara began when some elders from the nearby villages came to give us a blessing. All 100 staff sat in a circle lit by lanterns, preluded by a story from Robin, the elders came singing and dancing into the circle. As the singing began the rain began, in Africa the saying goes that rain is a blessing, making the ceremony even more surreal. The next few minutes came as a surprise whereby we were spit on with sour milk in the face. Some got hit more than others. My hit was moderate, but memorable. The funny thing is that when the elders left the circle the rain stopped.
Nights were memorable and inspirational and I definitely won’t forget my first trip of many to the Mara.
P.s You can check out Robin's book by typing in My Maasai life into google.. and too see the Kenyan Boys choir check them out on youtube.. Obama's inauguration Kenyan boys choir. You will be blown away.
Monday, January 10, 2011
To the Mara...
The next few days took us on many great adventures that included visiting local schools that FTC is involved in, old school versus new school, getting into some soccer games with some local kids, and visiting great accomplishments like the medical clinic in the community.
Old school
New School
Friday, January 7, 2011

Carrying a 20 litre water container from the river to mama Jane's house

I just wanted to say welcome to my blog, I will be posting here many adventures and updates about my trip, thus anyone can follow and keep up rather than writing 1000 e-mails. I hope you feel connected, and this way we can keep in touch.
Love Steph